Config File

Capti config files enable you to set some settings that apply to all your test suites and infuence how test suites are processed. Many of the same configuration options are available on a per-suite basis as well. One useful component of the configuration is specifying scripts that should run before and after your tests - for example, starting your server.


To create a config file, simply include a file named capti-config.yaml in your tests folder. This will automatically be parsed as a configuration for Capti.

Custom Config

If you would instead prefer to name your config differently, or include the config in a location separate from your tests, you can specify the --config or -c argument when running Capti. For example, say you want to keep your config file in a separate directory in your project:

├── src/
│   └── index.ts
├── tests/
│   └── hello.yaml
├── config/
│   └── capti.yaml
└── .gitignore

You can configure your script to run

$ capti --path ./tests --config ./config/capti.yaml

Config Contents


You can define the key setup in your config file to describe a series of global setup scripts that run before and after all test suites.

Environment Variables

You can define the key env_file with a path to your project's .env file. This enables you to reference variables from your .env file in your tests as variables.