Test Configuration

In addition to defining a request and an expect mapping for each test, you can also define the following settings.

By setting print_response: true on your tests, the complete response status, headers, and body will be printed to the console when your test is run. This can be useful for debugging a failing test.

== Response: (Sign up) =======

  Status: 200

    ▹ "x-powered-by": "Express"
    ▹ "content-type": "application/json; charset=utf-8"
    ▹ "content-length": "130"
    ▹ "etag": "W/"82-l0Mhda3RFUb75lW/cRtznG5a9jI""
    ▹ "set-cookie": "connect.sid=s%3A0D8I6wmav5gUclgFPWA9u9WvCQ4oSNo7.u7xk7r6XkMbMdwsVtwArBZ1Q0DFT0pzo72tWRuh9JA8; Path=/; HttpOnly"
    ▹ "date": "Sat, 17 Feb 2024 21:55:29 GMT"
    ▹ "connection": "keep-alive"
    ▹ "keep-alive": "timeout=5"

      "email": "testuser3@test.com",
      "displayName": "john-smith",
      "_id": "65d12b5182456857b2b9c8ce",
      "__v": 0,
      "id": "65d12b5182456857b2b9c8ce"


Should Fail

Setting should_fail: true on your test, as expected, will assert that the test should fail. In most cases, however, you should be able to acheive this functionality with the right matchers in your expect definition.

This example uses the should_fail attribute to ensure the test does not pass with a successful status.

  - test: "Protected route"
    description: "Attempting to access protected route without signin or signup"
    should_fail: true
      method: GET
      url: "${BASE_URL}/recipes"
      status: 2xx
        recipes: $exists

However, a more declarative and idiomatic pattern would be to use matchers to assert the expected 400-level status code and absent request body information. This also enables asserting the correct error status code - in the case that the endpoint actually returns a 404 or 500-level status, the above test would pass, whereas this test would still detect the error and fail.

  - test: "Protected route"
    description: "Attempting to access protected route without signin or signup"
      method: GET
      url: "${BASE_URL}/recipes"
      status: 403
        recipes: $absent