
The $all matcher is used to assert that every value in an array returned in the response matches a certain condition. This can be useful for asserting that every object in a list of data has an id property, or verify that a user can only see data they are authorized to view.


The $all matcher takes one argument, a matcher that is compared to every item in the corresponding array. If any of those items fail to match, the test fails.

$all <matcher>


This test asserts that every recipe returned from the '/recipes' endpoint contains a userId value that matches the current user (which is defined by the variable ${USER_ID}, presumed to have been extracted from an earlier test).

  - test: All recipes belong to user
    description: Ensure that the endpoint only returns recipes that belong to the current user
      method: GET
      url: ${BASE_URL}/recipes
      status: 2xx
        data: '$all { "userId": "${USER_ID}" }' 

Here is another similar test that asserts that every recipe in the list has at least three ingredients and three instructions. This test defines a local variable to represent the expected match for each item in the list, which in turn uses a $length matcher to verify the associated arrays contain at least three items.

  - test: Recipe constraints upheld
    description: Verify that all recipes have at least three ingredients and three instructions.
      method: GET
      url: ${BASE_URL}/recipes
        ingredients: $length >= 3
        instructions: $length >= 3
      status: 2xx
        data: $all ${EXPECTED_AMOUNTS}